Monday, July 4, 2011

This is A'MERicuh (sorry it's funny to say it that way)

I'm currently at home watching the mega fireworks displays in NYC and D.C. on t.v.
I'm too lame to be there, and my friends and I were too exhausted to go out and find a real display.. Oops.

Yesterday I woke up at 5:45 for my 6:30 Sunday breakfast shift at Mill Creek Cafe.  This is my second season I've worked here, and it's exciting to see my name gain priority on the schedule list.  It pretty much means that my boss feels that he can depend on me to work more, and I have greater full front-of-the-house serving shifts, rather than prepping or ice cream.  Despite the dirty work and way too many dishes, I do try my best every shift I work; it pays off for the restaurant, the customers and myself!  I made mad moneycustomer during our 7 - 12 breakfast, and a few new friends!
All the staff are laid back and we try to keep things positive and fun and that's another reason I love working at Mill Creek.  One of our breakfast specials was 'Red, White and Blue French Toast', which combined strawberries, blueberries and fresh cream stuffed into French Toast.  It was absolutely wonderful; this is my own order, the full order that customers ordered actually came with three slices and bacon or sausage!
Whenever one of these was in the window ready to be served, I chanted, "U-S-A! U-S-A!" I couldn't help it :D.  Needless to say, the special sold out.

After closing the Cafe and coming home, my family and I had Independence Day festivities at my house.  I was so pleased to see that the weather was cooperating, my nieces and nephews enjoyed the pool and good food was grilled up and served.  Did any of you have a picnic, watch fireworks or go out and do something full-blown American (:P) for the weekend?
I didn't partake in swimming this time, but all the younger kids seemed to have a blast!
Our back deck has a great umbrella so we aren't completely roasted beneath the sun.
Throwing down zucchini, summer squash, chicken and Zwiegle's on the new grill!
Generally we serve massive amounts of food at every holiday.
My favorite dishes from this one?  My mom's artichoke cheese French bread and the tomato-mozzarella salad that one of my sisters-in-law made.
Typical look for my Dad :B
And both my Mom and Pops! Have to love them for tolerating so many years of insanity.  Well, that was some solid family bonding.  It'll probably be another month before I see them all again, haha.  Despite us their all living within 45 minutes of each other, my siblings and kids are constantly running around for their summer sports, work, short vacations and whatnot.  And me, Mill Creek Cafe seems to own my soul...
And tomorrow marks my fourth summer teaching swim lessons at the town beach!  Oh dear, I hope I end up with the 6 year olds.. 
Have a stellar week!

p.s. A few recent Instagram photos from my iPhone-- the one of the trees reflecting in my pool was selected as one of the Josh Johnson forum favorites for the evening! Although, if you don't have Instagram I suppose that would mean nothing to you... haha, oh well.


Natalie said...

Go AMERICUH. Haha, it is fun to say it that way. :D First of all, that breakfast looks incredibly delicious... definitely perfect for Fourth of July festivities! It sounds like you had a fun time indeed. :) I didn't do anything special for the Fourth besides have family come over, but yeah. Good luck teaching the swimming lessons!

Chelsea Finn said...

The frenchtoast sounds insanely delicious. Breakfast is my favorite meal of that day. It sounds like a wonderful 4th of July. :)

<3Chelsea Elizabeth