About Me

 World English Dictionary at a Dictionary.com defines loquacious (lɒˈkweɪʃəs) as:

adj : characterized by or showing a tendency to talk a great deal
[from Latin loquāx  from loquī  to speak] 




So here you've found me on Loquaciousness, the ideas, images, and happenings of my life. 

In 2008, after reading Teen Vogue religiously, I jumped on the blogging bandwagon with aspirations of cultivating a sartorial voice like Bryanboy and Tavi Gevinson, leading to front-row invitations for the most coveted Fashion Week shows. This was after years of drawing, reading, dreaming of Paris, and making it my mission to be a clothing designer alumni of F.I.T.  You can even read my original blog post here

Fast forward several years later: I'm 25 years old, no longer living with my parents in the Finger Lakes region of New York now that I've earned my Bachelor's of Arts from a private liberal arts college (also in the middle of nowhere), laughably far from joining the fashion world but transferring my social advocate idealism into action. I'm learning, exploring, and fighting for a better world everyday in the Boston, Massachusetts area. If anything, my closet has become more outlandishly eclectic over the years-- ranging from the Manic Hippy Dream Girl to the Ultimate Frisbee Bro to Aspirational Public Official (making me more Man Repeller than Oscar PR Girl, but I digress).  

I'm a transracial adoptee, a public servant, a polyglot, an aspiring globetrotter, a critical idealist, and a proud product of a generation that is materially and mentally in flux. Like my clothes, my mind and urgency for action goes in every direction. I never gave up on this blog because I egotistically convinced myself that my thoughts were, and are, worth sharing. I will likely migrate all of these post to my own domain someday, but for now I'm keeping it real on Blogger.

I like pondering my position in the broader scope of the world in between daily adventures. I'm mainly guided by social justice (politics, activism, race, culture, and identity), food (cooking, restaurant reviews, my views on eating), travel (studying abroad, road trips, backyard revelations), and people (family, friends, concerts, current events and myself), but this blog is susceptible to going anywhere.

The world is really smaller than we think, and I am out to discover it all. All thoughts are my own unless credited otherwise, and by never a reflection of affiliated organizations.

If you'd like to rant, rave, connect, or collaborate, drop me a line: nleigbrett@gmail.com
And my LinkedIn account at the top of the page (just add a message)!