Sayonara, 2012!
Where did the year go, again? The world was shaken up more than we could imagine, but as always, it continues onward. For me, the year could be neatly divided into three parts: the second semester of my sophomore year at college, my summer home working at Mill Creek, then my junior fall -- with ridiculous antics in between! Unfortunately I can't report any love connections, but I did find a new family as a resident in the Habitat for Humanity theme house, left my heart in San Francsico, acquired a sound board of co-workers, became a full-fledged player on the Ruckus Bus ultimate frisbee team, and gained friends with some incredible ladies and gents this fall. As mundane and tireless as each day can feel, looking back at the collective experience is astounding. I turned 20 in early November, so I believe that this will be the start of the next greatest decade of my life. I'm finally starting to feel older, and sometimes it's a seizing moment of oh shit, this is growing up-- but I have nothing to complain about. Life will only be better from here.
Because lists are fun, for 2013 I loosely resolve to:
x. Throw caution to the wind and let life consume me in any circumstance
x. Stop feeling sorry about myself for petty things.
x. Stop questioning and just GO, DO IT AND FIND OUT.
x. Treat my body in a way that makes me feel good.
x. Read more leisure novels and absorb the wisdom they impart.
x. Paint, write, dance and remain artistically in touch with my mind and spirit.
x. Never allow anyone to make me feel less than I am, and let others know that they are worth something to me.
Nicole L.E.
Listening: "El Manana" by the Gorillaz